Log & Timber Works Offers Heritage Adzed Timber Finish to Saskatchewan, Canada Clients

Log & Timber WorksSeptember 2015

Log & Timber Works offers our signature Heritage Adzed finish for clients who wish to add a touch of authenticity to their timbers. Along with broadaxes, adzes were historically used to sculpt and shape logs and timbers for use in structures before power tools were available. Log & Timber Works founder, Pete Doucette, with over 35 years of involvement in the construction of log and timber frame structures is experienced in the old world techniques of broad axing and adzing. Log & Timber Works offers Heritage Adzing of timbers to clients and contractors throughout Saskatchewan, Canada. Log & Timber Works also provides this service to other log home and timber frame companies in Saskatchewan, Canada for use in their own projects. The following photos of some of our completed projects illustrate this finishing technique.

Timber frame entrance for an events building in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan by Log & Timber Works20150121_154550



Please contact us if you have a project you would like to discuss.